The Shepard –

Baby quilt for DD#2’s friend
the embroidery in the center was modeled after the pup who is wearing the quilt, the towel and the matching bib. Arrived at Wisconsin destination 13 Aug 2018.
I had all these lovely butterflies. And butterfly girls. More than enough for a 9-patch. It was well after starting that the Eldest realized it was just perfect for a friend’s brand new baby. Now to just machine quilt and sew down the edges. Started end April 2019.
- the backing fleece
- 7/9 embroidered
- blocks + sashing
- the nine blocks
- and quilted

and finished (delivered ~18 Aug 2019)
Small Girls
And then I found this fabric, basically a one yard color gamp. And tons of little girls which seem to suit it perfectly – started May 2019.
- the first two
- a bit closer a look
At the end – I used six girls – four times each

click to see it larger
- the whole quilt, done but still pinned
- the back, polar fleece

Complete 20 Aug 2019

completely quilted

the quilt lines on the back vanishing into the fleece
This was stitch in the ditch around all the hexagons. Which just leaves the binding as of 12 Aug 2019.

Completed 20 Aug 2019
Quilt for Nina
a collection of summer fun on color gamp. animals in two sizes, but most still falling into the 10cmx10cm size (4×4″) completed also around 20 Aug 2019. The backing is Navy polar fleece with stitch in the ditch between all squares.
- completed
- obviously there has to be at least one elephant
- all sorts of fun summer animals