Yarn Swap

When I was driving home today I noticed Canadian geese all over one of the playing fields instead of on the small lake.

No geese or swans

No geese or swans

and if you look at bit closer you will understand why

iced over

iced over

At least none of them are dumb enough to have been frozen in place.


Ms Copper has been eying my alpaca scarf for a couple of weeks now. She keeps commenting on it, and how nice it would be to have something similar. In a better color of course.

Then this nice person posted a swap on the UK Swap list and I went for this

Swap Yarn

Swap Yarn

which I started. (Would you believe she has perfected a forlorn, wanting look?) Especially since she has been ill for the last couple of days (confirmed today and started on antibiotics by the nice FP at Croughton), I could hardly turn her down.

Scarf start

Scarf start

Since we were at Croughton, we made the post office and library stops as well. I had also signed up for a Chanukah exchange. This package had just arrived ….


Exchange Package

Exchange Package

I am waiting till the first night. Yes, I am going to wait. Really.


Raided the library shelves…
Lady Killer – Lisa Scottiline
Just Breathe – Susan Wiggs
The Yiddish Policemen’s Union – Michael Chabon
When Day Breaks – Mary Jane Clark
Running with the Demon – Terry Brooks
Heir to Sevenwaters – Juliet Marillier

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3 Responses to Yarn Swap

  1. Ruth says:

    Is that argyle look all from the yarn, or is that your pattern? Whatever, it is VERY cool!

    • Holly says:

      the argyle is how the yarn is dyed. One of those times when knitting the right number of stitches and a consistent gauge actually works. I am not sure how much the yarn costs outside the UK, but if anyone wants any sent to them…. Second daughter is headed back to the US ~20 Jan.

  2. Kathryn says:

    Ah, I was going to ask the same question!

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