I don’t have a fashion gene, a girly gene, shoe gene or dress up gene any where in my makeup. I have no clue how my three daughters have managed to survive and grow up in site of having me for a mother.
Fashion sense? Well, lets just say that I will never, ever be invited to join the Country Club or any group of “Ladies who Lunch.” I don’t do glitter, sparkle, bling. The fact that I am completely oblivious to fashion designers has not lent cache to my desirability as a table companion. It has also spared me the fate of the shivering twits who look great, or would look great if they were’t tuning blue while standing outside in a line during winter. I get that short is cute, but why not wear a coat when the temperature is below freezing?
Anyway, there are a few basic rules that somehow sunk in somewhere along the line. White shoes are for summer, dark for winter. So as I unpack my cruise suitcase and get ready to repack the small one for Wednesday I am left with an unanswerable fashion question. Does the same idea hold true for jeans? Does it matter? I certainly don’t care, but inquiring minds would like to know if I should I be putting away my comfortable pale denim jeans away for the winter in favor of darker blues?
I can relate to that. I bought my outfit in October last year, for my daughter’s wedding which was on 30 August this year. I knew that the winter fashions from which I could choose would all be dowdy dark colours.
Looking at my outfit compared to the other guests, I chose right. My Spring colours were much admired.
Though I enjoy the various extremes females go through to achieve that which we call “fashion” I am glad I personally get a pass.
I used to live in scrubs until a patient accused me of being lazy and wearing pajamas to work.
I am very glad to welcome the the newest male fashion trend… no more metrosexaul (that I will never be) and here comes metrolumberjack. In comes the plaid, Denim and beards. The unshaved look is back!