After spending a day dealing with fleece of various kinds (no not the kind one can spin) and making a pj jumpsuit complete with feet for Ms Copper, a top and pants for the Mole (black with skulls), a scarf and a pair of socks – I hit my limit.
Of course, that means that i decided to play with this
visited 51 states (22.6%)
Create your own visited map of The World or try another Douwe Osinga project
and this
visited 46 states (92%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or try another Douwe Osinga project
Looks like I need to move Asia and the Pacific up the list….
Dear Holly,
Hi! I was just catching up on your blog and saw this post. You have someone to visit in Alaska-you can always get that one knocked off the list! 🙂
Ah yes, now just to get there…. perhaps a cruise up the Alaskan coast?