Walking about

Tuesday, while downtown Camberley on multiple errands (finding someone who could help me unscrew a filter from my camera lens, getting glasses fixed, verifying my bank balance) I happened to wander through Waterstone’s Booksellers.

Now, stopping in a bookstore is somewhat akin to taking a starving person to an all you can eat buffet. There is no sense in stopping if you are not going to be allowed to consume anything. Me in a bookstore? Only sensible way of browsing is without either bag or wallet.

In the local section were booklets on Walks in the local area. Waterside Walks in Surrey and Drive and Stroll in Surrey by David Weller and The Walks near Camberley by Bill Andrews. Most look like suitable jaunts on which to take the pup. It might even get me some exercise. Of course this assumes that I can figure out the directions on all of the hand drawn maps. Countryside Books seem to publish the nicest of the lot. Especially if you are a railroad enthusiast or are interested in Military Aviation history they have quite extensive coverage.

The pup was hacked. I have been walking to and from work with her. When I have to drive miles (like on Tues) to get the car re-reg’d,  she is stuck at home and bored.

Today the miles were not as bad. I was rewarded with four packages. Three were from my DH containing the wool I need to finish up this

and sleeves

waiting for more wool

Fiber Tools

This is a Wooly Board. It is a stretcher stand for blocking sweaters/vests and the like. The uprights are adjustable, there is a set of arms that go across the top and adjustable sleeve stretchers that you can see hanging down. I got it from these lovely people.

Woolly Board

Woolly Board

Drops Cardigan

Bags of yarn –

Bag 1/3

Bag 1/3

yielded the right color on the bottom.

Hawaii ombre

Hawaii ombre

took a while to wind (m*ths a few years ago).

a few balls of yarn

a few balls of yarn

and on to the collar with one of the bigger balls.

neck line

neck line

And yes, I like the juxtaposition of Dexter with the hacked up yarn.

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2 Responses to Walking about

  1. Ruth says:

    I have never seen anything like the wooly board, anywhere. I will go off to follow your link!

  2. teri says:

    all these projects, where do you find the time, and designing as well. i am amazed

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