Two more complete

In spite of not getting started as early as I planned (isn’t being on line and cruising around Ravelry good for burning up lots of time?), I managed the following:


sides sewn together

sides sewn together

followed by

neck edging started

neck edging started

which meant that sweater, hanger, camera and I headed outside.

Finished - front

Finished - front

Finished - the back

Finished - the back

(slight detour involving teenage son, a meal, and a ride to the train station so that he could catch the 1614 instead of a later train back to school).

moving on to the

Textured Sleeveless Vest

I managed to figure out an alternative way of constructing the next and binding off the shoulders together that did not involve more than two rows of frogging.

shoulders bound off

shoulders bound off

Since it looked like it was going to take longer to knit the collar than the armholes – I went there next, increasing needle sizes about every inch plus increasing a few stitches in the back of the collar.

start of collar

start of collar

This particular color has never photo’d well, and it is worse at night.
Finally, I used a much smaller needle for the armhole ribbing and was done.



Being as how it was only 2100, I moved on to

Faery Ring

and finally got past the cuff on the first sleeve

progress on first sleeve

progress on first sleeve

If I can finish the first sleeve tomorrow, then I will let myself start Brage on the 15th.

I am off to update my Ravelry Project page since I finally have progress to show and only two (Pagode and Faery Ring) left as WIP.

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5 Responses to Two more complete

  1. Ruth says:

    Heh heh..and I was proud of myself for finishing a few little hats and mittens! Love how the vest turned out. So, what color is it really? I keep seeing orange…

  2. Kathryn says:

    Ravelry: otherwise known as “displacement activity”.
    Well done. If I could knit while I wrote I might get more knitting done too. You are going to have to live to 200 to wear all these things once!

  3. Angeluna says:

    OK, so I’m highly impressed! Everything looks quite wonderful.

  4. ruth says:

    Seriously nice knitting! So now what is being planned?

  5. Linda M says:

    They both will look great on you. I need to look at the pattern for the vest, I could wear it nicely with that collar. And yes, I agree completely with the commenter who calls Ravelry “displacement activity” I need to share it in one of my forums…

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