Three years of Bookcrossing

You are familiar with – right?

It is not the same thing at all as Library Thing. Admittedly, you can catalogue all of your books if you have enough energy but that is not the purpose of the site.

Passing along books to others – now that it something to support.

All of us have our shelf of books that will stay with us for the duration of our existence: those books which we love/hate and read over and over. Then there are all the other books which are bought or received. All books are too good to throw away, but finding a home for books that do not fall in the “keeper” category can be a challenge.

Enter Bookcrossing.  Started in 2001, there are more than 800,000 individuals participating world wide with supporting websites now in multiple languages. You can post books as available for anyone who is seeking them or tag books and release them in the wild. There are various assorted get togethers in different communities (I have met some really neat people in both Germany and the UK this way).

Go, take a look. Register. Participate. Share the wealth of books.

Tell them I sent you!


(Why am I thinking about this? I looked at my joining date – three years ago today!)

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2 Responses to Three years of Bookcrossing

  1. AlisonH says:

    A good anniversary!

  2. Ruth says:

    I haven’t been to Bookcrossing before. Must follow your link. I do Shelfari for the keeping track of what has been read/what I wish to read piles and also for the discussion groups.

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