Three of Five

After spending the morning dealing with no-fee passports for the crew, dropping off and picking up I managed to accomplish a couple of important things:

First – I am done with the quiz portion of the recert module. To do the patient management section – I am planning on using the medical library at HMEDDAC on either tomorrow or Sunday morning. It should be quiet so that I can scream and curse in peace.


Our monthly Shabbas Potluck.


It was a hoot, great food and Charles set up and ran a slide show of the Hannukah party. One of the Protestant Chaplains stopped in. We fed him and gave him a dreidel lesson.

Audio Books

Finishing up The Black Rose by Nora Roberts I moved on to The Red Lily prior to bedtime. I read them all when they came out. This makes them excellent background books for knitting as I don’t have to maintain a really high level of concentration.


Speaking of knitting – I tried the Funnel Neck Sweater on the Eldest. Says it is too heavy to wear. And to scratchy. I think I am going to go ahead and wash the flipping thing just to stop the complaints. But that will make lengthening the sleeves a real pain if it becomes necessary. I think it is going to become my English gardening sweater.

last candidate

Second – the Valley Jacket is complete! Modeled by Ms Pink – I might see the eldest by the end of the weekend, since she has been waiting for the sweater.

Valley JacketValley Jacket

Now on to Mein Weg and Kauni…

(I will not start anything new till they are finished. No, I will not…

Arches & Doors

Buenos Aires Door

Gleaming marble, glass and glorious iron work  in the Argentinian sunshine, shouldn’t it lead off to a new adventure?


About Holly

fiber person - knitter, spinner, weaver who spent 33 years being a military officer to fund the above. And home. And family. Sewing and quilting projects are also in the stash. After living again in Heidelberg after retiring (finally) from the U.S. Army May 2011, we moved to the US ~ Dec 2015. Something about being over 65 and access to health care. It also might have had to do with finding a buyer for our house. Allegedly this will provide me a home base in the same country as our four adult children, all of whom I adore, so that I can drive them totally insane. Considerations of time to knit down the stash…(right, and if you believe that…) and spin and .... There is now actually enough time to do a bit of consulting, editing. Even more amazing - we have only one household again. As long as everyone understands that I still, 40 years into our marriage, don't do kitchens or bathrooms. For that matter, not being a golden retriever, I don't do slippers or newspapers either. I don’t miss either the military or full-time clinical practice. Limiting my public health/travel med/consulting and lecturing to “when I feel like it” has let me happily spend my pension cruising, stash enhancing (oops), arguing with the DH about where we are going to travel next and book buying. Life is good!
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