
As you can tell, or perhaps you can’t if you are using one of the readers, I have been vainly trying to stabilize the design of this blog since I switched off Mandigo.

I liked it, but it took forever to load. With every theme since then, I have had issues with either the design or the sidebar. Frustration is mounting. I am not really interested in designing something from scratch so it looks like I need to head back to the style.css and change things one at a time till I get what I want.

Clear and easy to read are important to me. proper borders that outline the pix are better than the current blue line. I might need to go to two sidebars to make the design look more balanced and I really like fluid themes more than fixed width.

Breadcrumbs, can’t forget the breadcrumbs for easy navigation.

All of these should be so simple. Why am I having such problems?

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One Response to themes

  1. Kathryn says:

    I just knew there was a very good reason for me not to play with the way my blog looks!

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