Sunshine and Straßenbahns

Heidelberg Meddac personnel are just incredibly helpful. The security guy is going to check and find out why I need to do another set of fingerprint cards. If actually required, he will help me get them off to Ft Sam. The Medical Librarian is an old friend and found me several articles. In return, I got her signed up on Ravelry. Perhaps I did not do her a favor.

But most importantly, the optometry clinic personnel decided that there was more wrong with my military issue glasses than bent frames, found me an appointment this afternoon and replacement glasses on order for me.

All of this put me in an obviously cheerful mood as I headed into the Altstadt at the end of the business day. I found the mate to Ms Maus’s fleece jacket, only in black. Somehow I can’t see myself in mint green and the only one they had left in the nice red was a size large.

To thank her for both suggesting the jacket and giving me directions – I found this

Flushi in green

Flushi in green

which should coordinate with her jacket, highlighted by two of her other favorite colors – yellow and orange.

(This is the only one of my offspring who has not spent months in the I will wear anything as long as it is black phase of teen age fashion).

Rödel now stocks KnitPro needles (KnitPicks for you US based knitters). They are more expensive than mail ordering from the US but have the advantage that they were right on the rack in front of me. The woman who forgot to bring along sock needles. US price = $6.79 EU price = 5.95€.


Since the body of the cardigan is not all that portable,

sides and more than 1/2 the back

sides and more than 1/2 the back

the sleeve came along with me today.

19 more cm to the sleeve cap

18 more cm to the sleeve cap

I am making progress, but it is really slow going. 50 gm of yarn makes 12″ or about 31 cm of sleeve (the magic number is 49 cm to get to the sleeve cap shaping this is looking like a really good train knitting project.

Off to pack – it is back to München in the morning.

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