Summer Clothes

This morning I got up, looked outside to see the grey day, and finally stopped shivering after putting on a robe. Not only was it raining, but all hope of being wrong, avoiding the meaning of the steadily decreasing temperatures obviously had not worked. Summer had not come back and no break was in sight. It was obviously time to pack away my summer clothes.

What summer clothes? For that matter, what summer? You might ask and it would be a fair question for the UK. There might have been a bit of summer this year; probably in early August while I was out of country.  According to several at work, it happened in late June/early July.

I have a few summer things: a dress, a linen jacket, a light weight suit. And then there is a pair of shorts, traveling pants, and t-shirts too good for the gym. All in all, a pitiful stack to be moved to the office closet.

To consider changing out my sandals

for sturdier foot gear

Positive? Time for the warmer sweaters,

wool to keep me warm

wool to keep me warm

handknit socks and wool pants

Oh, and my lovely fleece jacket to complement my ACUs. Didn’t do a thing for the rain today, but at least I was not cold.

Faery Ring

Third time is the charm.

The hood shows the real color better

denim tweed

denim tweed

with yesterdays mess up fixed.
needing only blocking and buttons

needing only blocking and buttons


turned up in a fairly logical place, considering my habits

up against the headboard. Duh....

up against the headboard. Duh....

and a DH who has been in Germany, San Francisco and Switzerland.


read three books yesterday, started the new Season of Bones, CSI: 10 and previewing Stargate Universe.

Perhaps having iTunes is not such a good thing.

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4 Responses to Summer Clothes

  1. The cat says:

    Ah, but now you get to wear your knitting!

  2. ruth says:

    We didn’t have much of a summer either here in NJ. It arrived for about 5 days in August and then left again. I can’t say that I missed it.

  3. Ruth says:

    We had plenty of summer here! In fact, it being ‘only’ October 5th, I wouldn’t dare put away my warm weather things yet. That being said, it has been quite cool the last two mornings and evening….I’m wearing a short sleeved sweater and hand knit socks! Happiness is. Love the Faery Ring.

  4. Faery Ring looks awesome. Happy belated Birthday, Holly! Hope it was wonderful.

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