

Stratevac — 5 Comments

  1. Holly, my husband is on a local rescue squad. I’m going to tell him to read about this and the medevac posting. He’ll be very interested.

  2. “the diliterious effects of a long air transport on the critical ill patient can not be over stated.” Alcide Lanue, LTG, Surgeon General USA (ret)

    lessons learned every generation.

  3. The AF and defense dept. continues to be led by short sighted folks that are crippling our future defense capabilities while also limiting our current capabilities due to bean counters running the place with no clue about military requirements

  4. I agree; the removal of the Nightingales was a stupid, short-sighted answer. They should have kept them in service until a dedicated replacement like a 737-800 could have been brought on line. We are forgetting all the lessons supposedly learned and are making the same damn mistakes again all over the placeā€¦.sigh

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