It wasn’t very early this morning when I poked my nose out from under the covers into the cold of my bedroom.
After all, it was just short of midnight when we dragged our tired bodies in from the car towing suitcases just to fall into bed. I managed to turn the heat on just before crashing. According to the dear guy in my life who braved the kitchen in order to start a pot of coffee – it was 42°F in the kitchen this morning.
Ok, not bad – it is above freezing and the pipes should be fine. Not so the under 21 female humans who complained bitterly of cold feet.
We retrieved the dog from her sojourn at friends before crawling back under the covers. It also meant that I was able to get some mail – and found these fun kids in a package from Carmen.

Knitting Update
This is my current status on various projects –
first – a simple scarf (third one) in alpaca. And yes, it is orange, purple and tourquoise; eye searing bright as a matter of fact.

Hummingbird #3
then there is the Viking Ship Sweater –
comparison on the cuffs – (and you can see why I restarted)

sleeve cuffs
and where I am on the first sleeve

left dragon sleeve
Moving on – the body is done on Vår Løysing – tomorrow I am planning on sewing and cutting the steeks which will leave me only the Icord on the front and neck.

Vår Løysing
Since I couldn’t do more on the vest (like lack of sewing machine) – I went back to the Hanne Falkenberg Blues Vest – finishing the left front

Blues - left front
and getting started on the right –

Blues - right front
and finally, my DvD watching knitting – Butterfly, another Hanne Falkenberg pattern knit out of three remainders coned shetland yarns. The body below the armholes is knit in one piece. On 3mm needles, this is a lot of stitches in garter….

HF - Butterfly
and if I don’t go insane waiting for the server, I should be able to get several of my planned posts from Egypt up on the blog this evening…
Meanwhile – wishing you all the best in 2009!
5 WIPs is a lot of WIPs. You will need the hedgies to keep track of them.
I think you will need to boost the heat on the spices, but they should provide a good base.