As you can tell, I have been messing around with the blog appearance again. Never mind that the sidebars seem beyond repair in all themes or that this particular theme has no options whatsoever. (Meaning that I have to get creative and actually edit some php and css files myself. Not mentioning that the editor does not seem to be working nor remotely does anything resembling the archive function.
Ah well. Clean, simple. Lots of white and the Heidelberg pictures rather than my current garden. Please let me know in the comments what you think and what you find that is broken, I would really appreciate it. For that matter, does anyone really check the blogs anymore as apposed to reading feeds?
In better use of my time, I hauled out the spinning wheel yesterday.
and tried spinning a bit of the black roving I received in the On-Going UK Swap.
Looked at some of the white shetland
and combed at bit, spun it into singles, then plyed.
it was happy to be fine
and it is now washed and hanging. That small amount turned into 30 meters of two ply.
meanwhile, the grey fleece I washed last night is mostly dry
My choice of listening today has been Zombie Chronicles by James Melzer which you can find on his website or Podiobooks and The Fledgling by Sharon Lee and Steven Miller. You can find it contained in the Saltation Podcast on Fireheart Foundry or available on iTunes. It will be out in hardcover from Baen this fall.
At almost 2200, it is dark enough that I need to bring in yarn and fleece.
I see you had some four footed help – have you taught her to card with her paws yet?