Six Words

I haven’t yet been tagged – but this one is worth doing. I picked it up from ScrabbleQueen.

What is your philosophy of life in six words?  Think about it for a few moments.

For me it is the essence of Tikkun Olam and my obligation as part of my existence.

Make the world a better place.

If you want to participate –

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you/where you found it.

2. Post the rules.

3. Share a 6 word philosophy of life

4. Tag at least 3 other people – ok – Carmen , Amanda, Marit and  Jinx:
and post in language of your choice.

(Gee – and I am also hitting four countries – isn’t the Internet great?)


Before I get to today’s Spinning- I have to really fill you on on this past Monday. The part that did not include Sock Madness. A couple of the Heidelberg region knitters were able to come over for a few hours of spinning. Once again, I didn’t arrive in time to make the Knit Meet up last Saturday (might have been something there about Pesach preparation in the way also).

Monday Afternoon Spinning

We had decent weather and I hauled out three wheels – my steadfast S10 Louet, a Dutch wheel I picked up off a couple of years ago and my Timbertops.

Today – I finished up the bit of roving that I started on Monday – only a couple of ounces total and started some alpaca.

Well, it was just sitting there.

Evening spent at the Zwinger1 (part of the Heidelberg Stadt Theater) seeing Verzeihung, ihr Alten, wofinde ich Zeit, Liebe und ansteckenden Irrsinn? by Christian Lollike. Translated from Danish to German by Gabriele Haefs.

The acting was good – the play itself left me a bit cold. I don’t think it was just the translation – I found the world view and the over blown stereotypes a bit much (see above – building the world better). A friend of my husband’s is in the play. As the program notes state – he has not gone quietly into his retirement, becoming active in theater.

I’ll find the rest of the Heidelberg and surrounding pictures for tomorrow. After all, it will be more interesting than another train trip to the Frankfurt Flughafen.


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4 Responses to Six Words

  1. Ruth says:

    Thanks for tagging yourself for this! I appreciate your philosophy very much.

  2. nana says:

    It is strange seeing oneself in the blog of you 🙂
    It sure was a fun first experience on the wheel, and I am able to spin a consistently rather thin single now, so sock yarn two ply is not far away now:-)

    Thanks for the great afternoon.


  3. Elysbeth says:

    Very interesting. I’ll have to ponder this. What immediately springs to mind is “life is good” but that’s not 6 words.

  4. amanda j says:

    Thanks for the tag. I am going to give this some thought. Six words!!

    I wish I could come and have a spinning lesson. I desperately need one! My spinning is so thicky thinny blah. I guess I could put in some practice. But where to find the time?

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