
They’re back. Busy little creatures running up and down in our house walls. Activity increasing as the sun goes down, they dance in the ceiling, cavort in the walls, damage wires and otherwise keep me awake at night.

Knitting is much better –

Women's textured sleeveless vest

Women's textured sleeveless vest

started yesterday and messed up this morning with me crossing some of the cables in the wrong direction. The two affected rows (why do I never find the error immediately?) have been ripped and  I am over half way done with the repair row using a tiny circular as my cable needle. I do know how to cable without a needle, it is a good suggestion for when none seems to be found, but I find that my gauge is more consistent when I use one.

which reminds me – it isn’t often that I find someone who both reads as much as I and seems to have similar reactions to books. I find Melinda’s book reviews well written and extremely useful.


I started the new J A Jance before I left home, finished #3 of the Lt Leary series in audio on the plane to Germany, started Mean Streets – anthology yesterday and am behind on most of my podcast list.

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2 Responses to Siebenschläfer

  1. Angeluna says:

    Oh goodness Holly, I have the same 4 legged problem you do. Although I don’t think my squirrels are quite so cute as yours. It started yesterday morning at dawn. I heard them ripping apart the wooden roof shingles, then obviously they got in through a hole and started running back and forth in the attic over my head!!!! No sleep there.

    I climbed up and did temporary repairs (thank goodness because we had a sudden pouring rainstorm) and the roofers have been called. Unbelievable. The bloody little critters cost me a fortune every year. Last year I bribed them by putting piles of squirrel food at the other end of the garden, but that was running over $10 a week, which is also ridiculous and probably makes them propagate more.

    How do you plan to battle yours?

  2. Melinda says:

    *blushes* I always think my reviews are haphazard and scattered. There’s so much to say about most of them, but you have to try and put it all in without giving anything away for those who haven’t read the book.

    Awwwwww, the Siebenschläfer are cute. I hope my cats haven’t been catching any of them. We have enough of the normal mice for them to be dealing with. Fortunately, neither the mice nor the martens where I live have actually damaged anything, other than my car cables. They just scrabble and make a bit of noise. Not any more than the horses though. Now they bang on the walls until you go and have a look. Once you’re there, they just stand there and act all innocent like with “who? me?” written all over their faces.

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