seeing patients

I was up early. Really early since I was going to be working at LRMC for the day. My commuting route, the A6, is often under construction. Since I hadn’t driven it in the last month, it was going to be interesting.

Heading down to the VW wagen at 0600, I was getting into the car when three other family members appeared. Apparently I was dropping them all off at the train station. Nice to know, since I would have happily driven off, listening to a Marcia Muller audio book, without a clue that I had left them standing curbside.

The computer medical records system that the Army (etc) has deployed is not user friendly. It is variously known as Ah, Hell, Lets Try Again (AHLTA) or Attila (the Hun) for the way that it ravages your time. I haven’t used it extensively. The Family Medicine clinic kindly did not book me patients every 20 minutes so that I would have time to get used to it.

It was a good day, I met some really interesting people.

My evening was quality time with the dog, music and knitting.


First sock in Marine is done except for the grafting. My darning needles, as it turns out, are all in the UK. Not worth trying to have one tucked into my carry on luggage


tomorrow is another iteration of today.


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