Today was my time to relax.
Viking Ship Sweater
I set in the second sleeve – see how nice it looks from the back?
and from the front –
which means that I spent a long, long time picking up stitches for the front bands since this involves having a loop on the inside to match every stitch on the outside. Doesn’t make sense? I will try and post a couple of other pictures tomorrow. meanwhile….
and then I put it aside in favor of
stabbing myself in the right index finger. I have this sore spot from pushing on a needle tip. A regular thimble is kind of bulky and I wind up just substituting fingers. I am thinking that one of those leather quilters thimbles just might do the trick.
more progress – I am on to the second chart. I really like the way the toes curl down in making the feet.
DvDs – CSI Season 7 and continued on Magic Burns.