Reversed Cubed

As it turns out, the boiler problem the other day was just a hiccup.

Some time last night it died completely. Since I was shown how to reset it, I managed that about five times over the evening. It only managed to stay on if set to almost max. This morning, the switches were on, and all the little indicator lights were dead. Resetting the power didn’t help, nor did turning it on and off a couple of times.

The water that had leaked in must have just taken a few days to short it out completely.

Since it was 9 degrees C at 0900, I don’t think that I am going to freeze to death. Now the pertinent question – how many days is it going to take Modern Housing [non]Solutions to deal with it?

(more than just today it seems).

Since the computer system at AMD is also on the fritz (on the list for replacement in the next few months, so no one is willing to invest anything in support), there are frazzled people all over the place. Never thought I would hear so many people complaining about not getting their email.

Sock Madness

The sock is named Reversai. I finished the first and second sock. My hands did not feel happy, mostly due to the yarn.

On the feet, admiring them no less as I was throughly sick of them by the time I had finished.
Cool What? Nice and bright socks
And the official photo I posted to prove that I had knit two socks (should be obvious that I didn’t cut and paste to get two socks in the photo.
The official photo to prove that I had actually knit both socks

But the key to it all is

Three ways reversed

which includes three reversals (or Reversai – cubed). From checking the numbers on the web, looks like I was the 9th or so to be finished over all. My division seems to be off to a slow start. There are two of us done (one of the other divisions is at  6).

I like the heels –
heel outsideinside
which look fine from both the outside and the inside. It is all really techie stuff.

back to DSs vest and Bone Harvest by Mary Logue.


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7 Responses to Reversed Cubed

  1. Dave says:

    Those heels are great! I’ve noticed several with holes, though. Did you wrap both going up and down, or just once?

  2. Turtle says:

    Your luck with household items is not holding strong! Good luck with that. The socks on the other hand look great!

  3. Sandy says:

    Your socks are lovely! As far as TISA is concerned, I haven’t heard anything lately. I think I recall that it was with the person that is right before me. We should have Heidi check on it, I guess. It’s been almost a year, hasn’t it?

  4. Julie says:

    I love your socks, what fun colors!

  5. Monica says:

    I was wondering about that Noro sock yarn. I love the color changes of Noro, but hate knitting with it. Your socks look fantastic, and congrats on finishing so quickly.

    I hope the man comes to fix the boiler and you are able to get warm. It is hard to knit with cold fingers.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. The Opal socks have 64 sttiches on size 2.25 needles.
    Happy Knitting

  6. Deb says:

    I like garter stitch heels– they’re easy to knit & cushy to wear! 🙂

  7. Angeluna says:

    Interesting to see these socks in Noro. I have a skein in stash, but have been thinking about a scarf with it. Congratulations on your fast finish and gorgeous socks. BTW, my friend TayaElaine posted her socks tonight. I saw them and they are beautiful. She is in the NG and spent time in Kuwait and other hotspots. I’ll be rooting from the sidelines for both of you.

    Mags arrived and have been scoured. Many thanks.

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