Relative distances

It was one of those days. Last night it snowed meaning I had to scrape off both cars. The wagon because I wanted to continue to listen to Robert Crais’s “Stalking the Angel” on the way back from the train station. The van because I had promised Beverly a stop at Maidenhead to pick up a file cabinet on the way to RAF Croughton.

Did I mention that not only was there snow, but it was freezing with ice crusted on the windshield and gleaming black on the road?

I get a text from Ms Copper – their train broke down 5 meters short of the platform at Ascot; it took 45 minutes for them to be pushed in. Late for school they were obviously.

Merrily driving up the A322, we hear the traffic warning. The M40 is closed in both directions between exits 4-6. We get on the M40 at 4 going north….not today. Accidents in the early morning.

Over the rivers and streams with alternate routes in horrible traffic – it takes us 3 hours to traverse a distance normally needing only a bit over 70 minutes.

On the way back, we hear more of the story. Two truck accident in the one direction resulting in the contents of the one truck across both sides of the dual carriage way. The product? Lard. Really, I am not joking. Of course, a truck moving fast on the far side promptly jack-knifed, finishing off the drama.

It only took two hours on an alternate route to return home. I then had to dash to the bank before it closed (cashing check and changing money was the reason for this whole trip), drop off some mail, unload groceries, get the file cabinet (felt like 40kgs worth) out of the back of the van…. you get the idea.

Just ahead of me as I was taking a short cut through the Mall was a young girl of about three. Her blond hair was swinging free just below her shoulder; blunt cut bangs framing her face. She was happily chatting with her mother who was pushing an infant in a stroller. Munching on pommes (chips for you Brits, French Fries for the Americans) she expertly wielded her joy stick. Turning her chair neatly and efficiently, she motored along the hall complete with immaculate pink patterned Wellies on her feet and a Mercedes symbol on the back of her brightly coloured chair.

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3 Responses to Relative distances

  1. Jeanne says:

    I do hope you take your knitting in the car with you. I once crocheted an entire afghan over a period of about 10 months just waiting at traffic lights on my way to and from work. Amazing how many stitches you can do in just 3 minutes at a time.

  2. Kathryn says:

    Mmm….a Mercedes?

  3. amandaj says:

    What a slippery mess!

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