Place Holder

This is a short place holder so that you know that I am alive – unfortunately what you want to read, and more importantly all the pix are on the other computer.

Thurs – managed to get cleared, pizza lunched, home and to Stuttgart.

Fri – crack of dawn from the Hostel to the Stuttgart Airport, to Heathrow to Sandhurst. After a few hours, we went on to Amport House (out in the middle of the fields past Andover).

Sat – full day of programing to include a regimental dinner.

Sun – programming followed by Heathrow where my flight was delayed enough to miss my train on arrival in Germany. Caught the follow on with only seconds to spare. Too late and too tired to get completely organized last night.

So today, I have to pack the van. Drive to Landstuhl, Sign out of the unit, and drive to Camberley via the Ferry.

Tomorrow is a full day as well – VIPs from the US with the day ending in a Regimental Dinner.

Go figure.

Since I don’t have either phone or Internet at the House yet, coverage is going to be a bit spotty to the end of the week.

Minimal knitting time – half way through the second of a pair of arch-shaped socks. They look strange, but feel wonderful. Eliminates the bag under the arch for those of us with high arches.

I will try to get caught up by Wednesday. I think I will be breathing by then


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