Phone do-loops

There are a number of Filk songs about computer programing, stupid programing, and getting stuck in an endless do-loop.

And then there is the VA phone system. First, you have to listen to about 2 minutes of “gratuitous mental health information and referrals” followed by information on the Pact Act and the Mission Act. Finally, you get dropped in a menu system that lets you pick 1-6. None of which were what I needed. Hitting 0 got me to an operator, who dumped me into another do-loop at the Dental Clinic, none of which were the options that I needed.  Since this, at least, is not a voice activated system I was spared the indignity of attempting to convince an AI of what I needed.  But it also means that stating “help” “help” “help” doesn’t short cut the menus like it does with my bank. After three tries at getting though the system and wasting 45″, I solved the problem by calling one of the few extensions I had and asking the receptionist for the favor of connecting me with the Dental Clinic.

Then I was connected to an answering machine. Ok, desperate, I left an extremely clear message about wanting Louisa to call me back about rescheduling Friday’s appointment.  I was stunned when she called me back – someone actually listened to the message and passed it on. Considering how much I am still coughing, I didn’t think Dr S really wants to see me on Friday.  Even better, I got rescheduled.

Otherwise it was a few errands this morning and stitching for the rest of the day



About Holly

fiber person - knitter, spinner, weaver who spent 33 years being a military officer to fund the above. And home. And family. Sewing and quilting projects are also in the stash. After living again in Heidelberg after retiring (finally) from the U.S. Army May 2011, we moved to the US ~ Dec 2015. Something about being over 65 and access to health care. It also might have had to do with finding a buyer for our house. Allegedly this will provide me a home base in the same country as our four adult children, all of whom I adore, so that I can drive them totally insane. Considerations of time to knit down the stash…(right, and if you believe that…) and spin and .... There is now actually enough time to do a bit of consulting, editing. Even more amazing - we have only one household again. As long as everyone understands that I still, 40 years into our marriage, don't do kitchens or bathrooms. For that matter, not being a golden retriever, I don't do slippers or newspapers either. I don’t miss either the military or full-time clinical practice. Limiting my public health/travel med/consulting and lecturing to “when I feel like it” has let me happily spend my pension cruising, stash enhancing (oops), arguing with the DH about where we are going to travel next and book buying. Life is good!
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