Over two years

Thinking about Blog-veraries I realized that I wrote my first post 11 March 2007. It is a couple days over two years ago that was. Living and working in Germany, three teens, the dog and DH around the house the worst I faced was a painful commute to Landstuhl a number of days each week.

In the two years since I have been noting primarily fiber related things with the occasional stray sideways discussion on the military and some travelogues. I have knit about a dozen sweaters/vests, over 60 pairs of socks (there is something to be said for the 52 Pair Plunge) and spun quite a few kilos of wool. I still haven’t managed to get the loom back up and warped.

We have traveled as a family to China, Egypt, the US. I cruised with a friend from Genoa to Buenos Aries. DH and I managed to get to Majorca last July and cruise around the Black Sea this past Oct for our 30th anniversary.

Relocating to the UK was not exactly in my plans, but it has been interesting and I have met some wonderful knitters.

What do you think? I have a couple of lovely sock kits (patterns plus yarn) from Knit Purl that I would be happy to have go to other people. I will run a random drawing on the 25th from those who leave comments. More than 1 comment = more than one chance. Tell your friends (ok, I know that it might cut down on your chances…) and I will attempt to have content worth reading!

Thora &

Thora & Cascade Locks

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6 Responses to Over two years

  1. Angeluna says:

    Love the Thora Sock kit. I’m such a green lover and for some weird reason have no green socks. Haven’t seen the other pattern up close.

    I’ve enjoyed your blog for a long time now. Been impressed with your energy, your dedication and your talent. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Holly – I have read your blog for some time now. Your beautiful photo of Heidelberg is what first attracted me. Now, I enjoy reading about your adventures in England. Your knitting is always stunning (the Viking sweater – WOW!) and provides great motivation for all knitters.

    Keep up the great posts,

  3. Ruth says:

    I can’t remember how I first found your blog, but I’m glad that I did! I continue to enjoy what you share, and hope to do so for a long time coming. Not to mention, I’d be thrilled with a sock kit to play with. 🙂

  4. nana says:

    Hi Holly,

    it always is fun meeting and seeing what you are working on, and of course chatting and all the kindness you have to share 🙂

    Still spinning happyly and slowly through the fibers and having this special smile on my face.
    Sock therapy is what keeps me on top of things at present, so a kit would be another session 🙂

  5. Linda M says:

    Hi Holly,
    Delurking to say I first found your blog when I was looking for everything I could find about the Kauni sweater that was so popular two years ago. I bookmarked your entry on facing the sleeve because it made so much sense. since then I’ve hung around to read about your knitting, your travels, and the insight you provide on the military and living overseas. Happy blogiversary.

  6. nana says:

    forgot to tell you something 🙂

    We talked about a get together around April 8. th ,hubby says it is fine, so please let me know what time is convenient for you and if we want to have some lunch together?

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