One happy camper

The whole house is a flipping disaster.

The Mole

(digression here – might have to come up with a new moniker – he has cut his hair so that you can actually see a bit of his face. More than that, in this house he lives on the top floor with light and the windows open. So open that the rest of the house is chilled. In the way of his kind – the floor is still covered routinely with detritus making it dangerous to walk in not proceeded by a vacuum cleaner. On the other hand, he is at the “I will wear anything as long as it is black” stage. That fits a mole…..)

and I made a shopping trip. Seems that the mighty people at school who run the laundry gave him back a bag on Friday. Great kid that he is, he wanted everything clean for the weekend to avoid having to come home and hang next to the washing machine and dryer rather than do important things like sleep. You can guess the punch line already. Laundry bag was his, but not the contents. This left him only literally with the clothes on his back.

Since he has lost significant weight, I had planned on getting him some new jeans anyway. (skipping the bitch, moan and whine about teen-aged boys and sagging pants.) And a belt. I view a belt as essential everywhere but the airport security line.

Then there is the issue of the suitcase that British Airways lost and never found with their wonderful Terminal 5 Heathrow opening.

End result is that we found t-shirts, underwear, socks, pants and jeans on sale. He found a decent rolling suitcase (it is brown, he swears it is grey. But he likes it ok so I have shut my mouth) and a pair of shoes.

Just as we were leaving the 4 Seasons – a couple passed by with a couple of huge dog treats. We got one for the fuzz.

Would you believe she was pleased?

What a treat!

What a treat!

He is back at school and I am back to knitting the wedding shawl.

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