These sea days have proved extremely lazy for most. There were only a couple of us up for sunrise
which could also have something to do with the fact that we are traveling west; losing an hour if not every day, then every other.
NCL advertises this set up as the largest rope course at sea. Similar to the Sydney Bridge, carrying along things that might drop on the unsuspecting heads of those walking below is not permitted. High on that list are cell phones, cameras and anything else that would smash or otherwise make an exceedingly loud crunch. Instead you get photos shot from various angles shot from below.
In actuality, it is cables, planks and a few ropes here and there. There is a lower level which is restricted to those 48″ and shorter. For the rest of us, we head – after being “helped” into safety harnesses and being cable locked into the overhead suspension system – up to the second and third levels with a number zip-lines, planks, obstacles to surmount between one end and the other.
I spent a happy couple of hours suspending and flying over the course secure in my knowledge that if clumsy caught up the worst that would happen was embarrassment while I dangled from safety harness & cable. Considering the drop would only be 20-30 cm it would not be dangerous but I managed to avoid it all the same.
By the end of the day I had sore arms, a great time and was packed.