No clue

at all: not what so ever about what we might do with the Siebenschläafer. We have had the little beasties in the wall and between the attic floor and our ceiling for several years now.

They are moderately destructive, but don’t really have a fondness for wires. They have, on occasion tried to chew their way out of the built in cabinets. It is also known that they have an unerring ability to find their way back from getting trapped and moved (record so far is about 10km when crossing a major river is not involved). From my point of view, humane means that I survive the enterprise, not them.

We have tried trapping, poison and blocking every single last place where they could possibly manage to sneak in.

No luck. They may be tiny, but seem to be mighty.

on the road

The Mole got up this morning and came along to the testing day of ATLS. All moulaged, he served as one of the mock patients for the hands on portion of the test, talked to several of the docs and seemed to have a good time.

After several stops and hunting around, we managed to replace his old MacBookPro. With an operating system that refused to upgrade, 80G hard drive and continual freezing, I wanted him able to return to school on the 9th with the ability to handle anything his last year of A levels tosses at him.

and home

30 years of marriage, about 18 months of again running two households and the DH seems to have forgotten every thing about toilet seats.

What is it with guys? OTOH, I am not doing the cleaning…..

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