More Miters

miter + mitrer + more

Progressing apace, I am on the last full row of miters for the skirt area of the jacket. I am now going to have to figure out a right facing half miter.  Once that is done, the whole piece is rotated 180º in order to start the bodice portion. Sleeves are last.

I am even being such a good kid and weaving in ends as I go.


Since you can see that I have made less progress than any one may expect I will confess to reading a few books this weekend:
Cockatiels at Seven and Swan for the Money – Donna Andrews, both books of which are fine if you like comedic mysteries, but some of the characters in this series are getting pretty dull. Crouching Buzzard, Leaping Loon was probably the best.
The Enchantment Emporium – Tanya Huff. Lovely book, similar to her Keeper series (1998-2003) in attitude, characters and fluid description. Good urban fiction completely without vampires or werewolves. Perhaps you have to be from the northern tier to manage? (Charles de Lint and Emma Bull come to mind. Great writers – Canada and Minnesota. Proof that it is completely possible to write interesting stories without pandering….

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2 Responses to More Miters

  1. Ruth says:

    I am very much in favor a fiction without vampires, etc! I confess, lately I’ve been finishing more book than knitting projects…by far!

  2. Cat says:

    I have avoided vampires to date – and intend to continue to do so! (I don’t think I will ever manage the Twilight thingies – was bored after the first three pages of the first book.) There is no hope for me!

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