more miles

Well, I managed to get the school check done, drove back to Camberley, deposited cash in my British Bank account and caught the train toward Waterloo with 30 seconds to spare.

I was meeting a friend (would you believe with a Harley Street Clinic address?) to discuss some follow up from the Budapest meeting.

Had just enough time on the way back to wander through John Lewis, Liberty of London

(they have little now compared to what I remember from 2000) and join a group of knitters at I Knit London for about an hour

Ostrich Plume

Ostrich Plume

before my train.




The Iron Hunt – Marjorie Liu

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One Response to more miles

  1. Jennifer says:

    The last time I was in John Lewis, the needlework section in the Tudor Building had pushed the yarn out into a very dark stairwell. Needless-to-say, it was not conducive to stash enhancement.

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