long, long day

Looking sadly at me when I went out the door this morning at shortly after 0600, I can be only grateful that the dog did absolutely nothing rotten to the house while I was gone.

Lakenheath is a good two+ hours drive from the house. A long drive in UK traffic on the M3, M25, M11 motorways before haring off into the back of beyond. It was a good day, an efficient use of time day. I managed all of the following: optometry appointment, mammo, bone density, credentials office, noon time CME and a visit with a friend before hitting the road at 1430.

In the back of the car were some boxes that I had mailed over from Germany; magazines and cones of yarn. Driving to Larling, I met with Sue from Norwich (Ravelrys UK Spinners Group) and passed off the Spin-Offs. In return, she is going to take the weaving stuff in hand to send on further. It also was nice to get lunch, even if it was at 1530.

By the time I was home it was after 1800. Poor pup, not that you could have told it by her. She was just sooooo happy to have a person back. Go figure.

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