This is the real 6 Dec. For whatever reason I grabbed the wrong draft email, cut, pasted and happily sent it out. Then realized that it was the wrong date. Argh
Miriam went out and about. I stayed on the ship. It is not just that I have been here before, but the fact that I was feeling like crap. I managed to stash my migraine meds in a “safe place.” Thinking about it – I think that safe place might just have been the counter in our room at the IBIS and they didn’t get packed.
I have been through all of my things a couple of times, and they are just not here… Obviously not thrilled. It isn’t just the pain, it is the ability to ward off the pain in the first place.
So Miriam went out to view art musuems and I stitched. Today I managed to finish this section of the Barbara Ana and will move on to The Secret Garden (a SAL by a designer out of the Netherlands.
I ran out of DMC 606 so the bird’s wing isn’t done. I can finish that up at home – or if I am lucky the needlework shop in Ponta Delgada will be open/
I am hot spoting off my phone to write this entry, and for some reason, the computer doesn’t want to do air drop. I am too tired to figure it out…..