Leaves and Geese

It is rare to see interesting colored leaves here.

bright foliage

bright foliage

mostly it is just dark green fading to winter brown with nothing cheerful in between. This small tree is at the end of our road, on the way to the small lake, home of the adolescent Nile geese. (you might want to click and enlarge)

fluffy, heading for crumbs

fluffy, heading for crumbs

Not yet with adult plumage, never the less, they are more than willing to go for bread crumbs. Unlike the adults who immediately start hunting in the water, this crew first sticks their heads up with mouths open. Sorry kids, I am not putting anything directly in your beaks.


About a dozen so far, anyone else want to join the random number generator list for either sock yarn or spinning fiber? Just leave a comment. I’ll run the numbers in the morning (which should be beyond everyone’s Monday, just in case there was any question of what I meant by “Monday”).


a bit of progress on the sleeves…… First is complete down to the arm scythe, the second part way. Now, do I want to sew in the sleeve cap, sew up the sides and finish the sleeves in the round? Or do them at the same time flat so that I know they are the same length…. Hummmm

sleeve caps

sleeve caps


Well, I have hung Mark of the Druid and moved on to the next title. The story might be ok but this is a case where the author should have had someone else make the recording. Not all of us can read out loud that others might enjoy listening. The technical quality is good, it is the lack of expression of the reader). People who don’t want voices or emphasis might like this just fine.

On to How to Succeed in Evil by Patrick McLean. A funny romp through evil villains and super heroes. Well written and read, there is only the issue of it being too short.

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2 Responses to Leaves and Geese

  1. fbz says:

    Hi Holly, tried to leave a comment earlier when you were celebrating your birthday, and so to you a very Happy Birthday! Haven’t been doing much spinning, have a new job, very exciting but leaves little time behind my spinning wheel. The leaves here are gorgeous, it’s been quite a show for the tree just outside my window. *hugs* from Berlin!

  2. Evo Terra says:

    Hi Holly,

    Thanks for giving The Mark of the Druid a try. And more importantly, thanks for moving on to another once it was clear that it wasn’t for you. I’m sure you’ll enjoy all of Patrick’s story. There are rumors it might be made into something… larger. 🙂


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