Last Day

(I will finish the spread sheet in the morning, hit the Random Generator ( followed by sending off some emails.

So if you get an email from me asking about what color you like, or for a mailing address, please don’t mark it as SPAM…..

Of course, that assumes that this post will load. I managed finally to access the house backup drive. Something about not remembering where I had put the basic log-in information. I stood there in the disastrous remains of the torn apart office and could visualize the booklet in my mind. But not in the office, and not in Ms Soprano’s room (where the router and drive are actually located). Nor in any miscellaneous boxes, shelves or yarn baskets.

I have no clue why I thought that placing it in my nightstand was such a brilliant idea, but there you have it.


Even at just a few rows a night, the Phoenix is steadily growing. 15 more rows and it will be time to start the armhole steeks. The shift from lighter grey to darker seems starker than many of the other changes, but I still like it. I have to admit, the black/red contrast is still my favorite. Might explain why I have picked that combination in stranded work before. Also interesting to note is that I am still working on the first two balls of yarn.

Phoenix - 20 rows on chart 3

Phoenix - 20 rows on chart 3

Future Projects

Been contemplating Katherine from Tudor Roses or, taking the elements and repositioning them in a effort to take the sweater size down to something I might actually wear. It is either that or the Cat Sweater from Norsk Strikk lengthened for an adult. Obviously, no emergency on either one…..


I just finished watching Season 8 of CSI which lead me to buying the first episode of Season 9. iTunes is really dangerous that way. I could also get Season 4 of Bones, sparing myself the higher expense of buying it. Since I watch everything on my laptop……

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3 Responses to Last Day

  1. Lisa says:

    Do you like NCIS? It’s another good series. Really like the characters. And of course Mark Harmon is easy to look at!

  2. Angeluna says:

    Can’t wait to see if you choose Katherine or the Cat Sweater. I love both. Glad to find someone else who likes Bones.

  3. and for that matter, have you seen “The Closer”? it’s my favorite of all time… and you’d probably love it…

    I would like a list of the knitting books you like that refer to stranded or fair isle knitting… this kind of knitting is amazing to me and the more classic (or true to culture) knitting is what I am being drawn to…

    I am closer and closer to being ready to start my trees project!


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