
Where the Elk stood squarely on four feet next to the ship. Same beast as last time. Same platform with rollers underneath.

on the pier, waiting for more photos

on the pier, waiting for more photos

My head was clear – the skies were not. We walked into town past some of the normal sights –

Like Fishmarkets

Like Fishmarkets

or churches built like Arks

or churches built like Arks

Besides stopping at the main information point in City Hall where it looked like some kind of polling/election was taking place and visiting various stores where one could, if one wanted to, procure yarn – went for a walk through the older portion of town. There are still several streets of the white houses of various sizes all from prior to 1900s. The architecture varies, but mostly features wood, wood, some windows and more wood. There are pine forests – quarrying for stone or making bricks would have been much more expensive. The best quality lumber went into the ships. Port? Fishing? The original color of all the houses was not white; those that aren’t white today are those few buildings which managed to make it thorough to the present day with their original color.

By early afternoon I was cold and damp. A hike back to the ship to be followed by tea and scones was sounding really good to me about then.

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