Kol Nidre

I spent a quiet day while accomplishing a bit on several knitting projects.Four ridges to go on the body of Pagode, the second sleeve on Faery Ring now only lacking the cap.

It feels funny, somehow to be sitting here right before sundown rather than heading to shul. To have my computer set to play Kol Nidre from YouTube rather than be sitting ready to start my fast and thinking about the day to come.

Searching earlier today, I am not sure why it surprised me to find dozens of clips on the internet. One can chose by style (Sephardic, Ashenazik, modern, Hassidic) by background (Cantor standing there or various buildings and objects in the background)) choir or single singer, organ and other accompanying instruments or not.  Current or taken from years ago.

I grew up with a very traditional melody; but the Moroccan Melody is beautiful and makes the point quite well

May your fast be mild, your thoughts enlightening and your spirit be clearer at the end.

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2 Responses to Kol Nidre

  1. Patricia says:

    Beautiful. Very moving. Thanks for sharing.

  2. ruth says:

    It was a beautiful Yom Kippur in my house. We all fasted fairly well, and didn’t feel too crummy today. I hope yours was peaceful.

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