meet my new friend
Returning after the morning sessions, I spied this young friend sitting on my bathroom counter. I will take him home to join the one I received two years ago. The front desk has other small characters for sale as part of their charity money raising. I have purchased several of the packs before, but unfortunately these duckies are not proportioned correctly to float. I also, frankly don’t need a lot more toys in the hot tub.
I attended sessions today geared toward refugees, emerging anti-microbial resistance, diseases across species boundaries and managing the next outbreak. Interspersed were conversations, coffee breaks and observations of people around me. It is one of those rare opportunities to chat with those from multiple professional backgrounds engaged in everything from practice to research and NGOs to a few journalists and government types lurking in the background.
By 1800 I was tired. Heavy duty lectures and schooling are for the young. I’m finding as I age that being in large crowds can be wearing. Having been there the last two times I attending this meeting – I skipped the Mayor’s reception in favor of a quiet evening with reading and knitting.