Gale Force 10

Even with the new stabilizers, one can certainly feel the movement of the ship when the sea conditions get rough. There was thunder and lightening outside my balcony door which started sometime after midnight. Ok – and? Oh, a bit of blowing rain which hit me in the face when I opened the door, or rather attempted to open the door. For the second time this voyage I turned on the TV to get the bridge report. Humm – 9-12 meter waves and a stiff wind blowing across the deck with a weather forecast of predicting more of the same.
It was at this point that I realized the absence of lids for the Go Cups was going to prove a challenge.  Not as much challenge as clearing up the “Art” which now resembled a pack of plying cards scattered across the floor of the Centrum but close. You would think that someone whose job it was to peddle said art would have spared a moment to think.
“High waves and wind. Property I am trying to peddle sitting on easels. Most of the items are framed and fronted with glass. If they all fall over, could it cost me?”
The storm seemed to settle out mid morning with a predicted resurgence late afternoon. Meanwhile I decided that cleaning, organizing and packing everything to change cabins was in order before wandering around to trade off a few emails.
Since it seems like Cape Liberty – aka Bayonne NJ – is out in the middle of nowhere, I am not going to be able to pull my usual turn around day stunt and head off for internet.
Ah, well. Knitting is always a good thing.
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