I have not fallen off the end of the earth, but with the cost of connection from the Norwegian Gem, I am limited my connect time to almost nothing.
We started in Barcelona, went on to Malta, spent yesterday in Naples and today it is Citiavecchia (actually the girls and I are turning down the high price of a coach in favor of taking the train).
Tomorrow will be Livorno, (and off to Pisa – see above) with Sat in Cannes before getting back to Barcelona on Sunday in time to catch a flight back home.
Shopping wise we have done none. The girls are spending time on both studies and the hot tub with regular forays into the gym.
There are a lot of people on this ship, but no one else likes the gym at 0500 so I have not had any problems having lots of time on the treadmill.
Knitting is going well (2 prs of socks done, one sleeve to sew in on the first sweater and 15% into the second.
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Oooh….I am envious!