I am going to count them all. Really!
It is complete, needing only to dry from the blocking. Started in July, knit during July, August, Sept and December.
(Drum Roll ……)
An additional warning I would mention – the red crocked – a lot. Vinegar is a good thing. And using burgundy towels turned out to be an excellent pick. I would not have wanted to either handle it with white, or wear it white. 15 minutes and the water was still not clear.
As I said, vinegar might not smell as nice as hair conditioner, but it has its uses.
Mein Weg
Done! Well, ok, it still needs to be blocked. But that window sill is covered with the Kauni.
I started here – with the front and sleeves ready for steeking
Placed the pieces on the floor to make sure that I had everything the correct side up while sliding the on-hold stitches to the neck needle.
Since I find the finishing such a pain – I did the sleeves to back and front seams first, so that I could slide it over my head just to see…which would be a whole lot easier if someone would clean off his side of the bathroom mirror.
Rewarding myself with knitting the collar and front bands in one piece I decreased by k2tog every fifth on the neck then continued by increasing on each side of the collar while knitting (or purling depending) 2 together on either side of the center back. This balanced the number of stitches around the neck edge and the four extra increase made the corner from neck to front lie smoothly. Again – I knit three rows flat before switching to seed stitch for the remaining 8 rows.
After blocking, I am going to add loops and buttons. I didn’t knit a lot of ease, as it turned out and I don’t like gaping buttons. I haven’t decided between pewter clasps or loops with buttons.
If anyone is interested in knitting this sweater, please let me know. I am planning on writing up and posting the complete notes, but need to write off to the author to get her permission.
Now – what comes next?
Audio Books
Finished The Red Lilly then went on to Catherine Coulter’s Born to be Wild.
Oh, yeh. That practice module for recertification.
Both turned out very fine, congratulations. Greetings, Iris
Mein Weg! Yes! Except that I don’t ever sew anything together unless you hold a gun to my head. You think this could be done “organically”?
Thanks for the heads-up on the Kauni. I have a batch of it sitting in my pile, and this is good to know.
2 gorgeous cardigans!!
I love the colors of your Kauni!
Wow, two gorgeous sweaters! I agree with Pat — I just love the autumnal palette of your Kauni.
Congratulations! Both items are just looking great!