Often I write these daily missives first in my head, then transcribed to WordPress. Some might think of this as journaling, perhaps it is. But since I was near a diary girl (complete with pink, glitter and an easily snapped lock) when young, it probably isn’t an accurate description.
Journaling? Not since that modality has been co-opted by the therapeutic realm. Rather I consider it recording observations and progress in a medium that is both fleeting and permanently housed somewhere that none of us ca easily reach.
But the “what”? That has changed over the years since I first started an email list in 1998. That is well after all of us were born, but significantly prior to all of today’s insanity of social media. The “what” is no longer a daily record of that Bosnian deployment, the military, or life in Germany, the UK, the US, or wherever I found myself on travels. Craft interests have always been included. Weaving wasn’t compatible w
ith deployment, nor was hauling along a spinning wheel so knitting came to the forefront. I am still knitting as well as sewing but primarily finding cross stitch as my major focus. This is partially because of the portability and being currently relegated to home due to health reasons.
I am leaving the mess below as indicative of what happens when a bleary eyed woman attempts to catch some thoughts when waking in the middle of the night…..
I wrote these daily mulisdices udually first in my habd, theb transctibebthen to wordpress. You mihjt what tinthein of it as jiurnaling, perhsps it id. But since ibwas never a doary girl when yoing 7it orobably isnt ab an accruate desceiption. And jourbaling? Net since tgat modality has been coooted by the theraaoutic realm. Rather, rexording obsevations and progress. Of what? The. It has changed ovee the years since 1998. No longer about military deployments, or life in Germany UK US or wheew evee i found myself on travels. Craft interests were assws. First promarily weaving and spinning which wwas over taken by kniitting which has in tern given wat to embroidery & cross srirch