Douglas House

This is Douglas House, the admin building for the Deutsch Shule London located in Richmond.


and then there is the guy in the reception area.


I appreciated him a lot, but the kids really didn’t find him all that funny. The rest of the buildings are not worth photoing. To put it bluntly, they are really, really, really ugly. But the youngest two have been accepted for school next year and we have only to process all the paperwork.

Pirate Geese

I think my buddy Steve in CA is right – those were not ducks, they are Egyptian Geese. Only problem is that the eye patch is supposed to be black, not white. But their personality is certainly more geese-like than duck. Brought back by the Brits from along the Nile, these birds are obviously descended from the feral escapees.


The first purple is done, now to just cast on the second. I am really liking the fit of the arch-shaped socks and it makes knitting the foot something other than completely boring. I normally don’t bother with patterning on the foot since no one sees it anyway.

Now, off to a few more episodes of Medium…..


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