
It has finally sunk through to a number of family and non-fiber friends that I am actually uprooting and moving to the UK in about 10 days.

And then it was all the “whys.”

Here is the short summary I provided – so that we are all starting from the same point on what lead to the assignment in the UK.

It starts with three completely unrelated facts.
1) the officer in a particular position on DA staff decided that he finally would like to retire at age 70. The officer replacing him was pulled in Nov from the UK, creating the vacancy.
2) After a lot of consideration, my command had a agreed that they could give me up to AFRICOM, should that command want me for command surgeon. Reporting date would have been ~ Dec 07.
3) None of the people who have been clamoring after this job for years could convince their bosses that it would be a good idea to release them 6 months early. I was never on the list that had asked for this job.

AFRICOM decided that they wanted to play with a high flyer from the Air Force. Since I was on an extension till this coming summer to get Nina through her last year of school (Stuttgart, same location as AFRICOM), I started looking for what jobs were going to be available in Germany for FY09 (i.e. there wasn’t much).

My command had already said Dec was ok for me to shift jobs, and this is Jan. It is really hard for them to say no.

I am sitting with the choice of a job in the UK or jobs in the states starting this summer. UK is closer to Germany than Washington DC

And the choice was made…..


Since that was more than you wanted to know about officer assignments (as lives are trashed by the army and family scattered across three countries), let us go to knitting.

I only managed two more rows on the Viking Sweater – but it is something.

The skull wrist warmers (#1) is now 5 cm long courtesy of hanging out while outprocessing.


Now & Then by Robert B Parker. only five chapters in, but they are short chapters filled with his usual quick dialog.



traveling by punt on the river – I just now noticed all the Chinese letter in blue on the bridge.


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3 Responses to Dominos

  1. fbz says:

    Best of luck with your move and a very happy 2008! I hope that all works out as you have hoped, and if you need any moral support (or some knitting supplies) just drop me a line!

  2. Raven says:

    Ah yes, the military. They do know how to make things complicated, don’t they? Hopefully they won’t keep you too busy that you can’t nip over to Germany and spend time with your family.

    Good luck with your new posting.

  3. Marit says:

    Happy New Year, and best of luck with your move and new job.

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