I was quietly sitting in my cabin when the rhythmic thumping outside my window started. Yes, outside my window which faces out onto the Promenade. What appeared? Apparently the (trademark, trademark) Move It! Parade. (I had to look in the Cruise Compass for the information). I recognized a Panda, a Shrek and a Lion in and among the other fanciful characters bouncing, dancing, jousting and other wise entertaining the children and adults who lined the parade route.
And me with my literal bird’s eye view from my perch on Deck 7.
I’m not sure that the parents and grandparents weren’t having more fun than the older children who were perfecting bored facial expressions…..
We dock tomorrow in Fort Lauderdale.
That is a very plump panda!
Great fun, and a great antidote to today’s event in DC.
To tell you the truth – I was purposefully blocking that particular parade completely out of my mind
Oh yes. The best kind!