That means works in progress. I just thought it might be a good idea to list them, just to make sure that nothing has gotten completely out of control. This is actually several parts:
List 1 – SALs. Stitch-a-longs. 1) A Field Guide to Dragons by Climbing Goat Designs. I am finishing up the 8th Dragon. I still have about 1/3 of the frame to fill in. 2) The Herbalist. All 18 releases to this point have been completed. I am planning on doing the backstitching & #19 next week on the cruise along with #20. That will leave only 2 parts to go. 3) Smaug by Tempting Tangles. He is a new addition in the couple of months. I am current with the first 3 releases. Probably won’t take him with next week but will take him on the long cruise so that I catch the next three releases on time. 4) Deadly Aquarium. I am current through the 9 releases. There are three left. I will have to finish this one when I return home after all the travels in Oct. 5) Haunted Clock – Tiny Modernist with four total releases. I am ½ way through #2. The next two will come out when I am traveling. and expect that I will have to finish in Oct when I get back Since it is a Halloween stitch….
List 2 – Single Projects. I have two. Both were started this year. The first is No Time Like the Present by Modern Folk Embroidery It is being stitched on 18 ct Rustic Aida with 3750 & 3371. As of today, I have 23,165/35,596 completed which is 65%. I started it 25 Feb & last worked on it 17 July. It needs love. The second is 324 by Works by ABC. I have it loaded into PK in two parts. The top has 4662/7239 for 64% complete. The bottom half has only 498/7512 or 6.6% complete. I started in 25 March and last stitched on it 9 June. Obviously, I need to get going on both. The first takes concentration. The second can be a pain with having to constantly pull new thread colors.
List 3 – the Left Overs from previous years. All of these have a significant amount of stitching left. : 1) 2021 – Broadway SAL by Taylor & Cromwell. I have the last two letters and the frame surrounding them to do. 2) 2021 – Seasonal Skies SAL by Ship’s Manor. The 12 parts are done, The picky, lots of color changes frame is left to complete. 3) Dark Queen of the Seas SAL- Autumn Lane Stitchery. Part 11 is ½ done with Part 12 left to do. 4) Blackwork SAL 2020 – Magical Quilts. 7/12 of the months are done. 3 more partly done. Perhaps about 3 of the frame. I really, really don’t enjoy blackwork, even with color. 5) Cocoa by Thea Governeur. This one dates from 2019. It sits at about 75%. It wouldn’t be that hard to finish. It just hasn’t been a priority.
Adding those five to the 26 finished it means that I started the year with over 31 WIPs. I also trashed five that were old SALs had absolutely no interest. I have no intention of having carry-overs this year unless they are SALs with parts to still be released.
I do have a few items on my TBS (to be started list). There is the BarnHouse & the Lighthouse in the Fabulous House Series. I have fabric/floss/pattern for both. I have Gorgeous from the ArtsyHouseWife. And I have the Ring tailed Lemur from Lindy Stitches. But since those are all single projects, I want to knock off at least two of the SALs before I start anything else.
Unless, of course, there is the thought of New Cruise/New Start….