No one needs to listen to me whine, which is all I have felt like. Also explains why I am not bothering to send out mass emails.
It all started perhaps on Saturday night, but certainly by Sunday I wasn’t feeling all that great. By Tuesday I recognized that 1) I was worse rather than better & 2) nothing was going to be open on Wednesday short of driving into the SFVA. Please, no thanks. Hoping to get better is not a treatment plan. Running a fever of 38.8*C is not a particularly good thing, especially within a week of getting Rituximab. (Did I mention that George “forgets” to wear a mask in a lot of locations?)
Anyway – it was Tuesday and I went to see the nice acute care folks at the Oakland VA Outpatient clinic. I got swabbed, blood drawn, a bunch of scriptws and would have had a chest x-ray had they had a tech. The doc and I agreed that it wasn’t ikely to change my treatment and I really didn’t want to drive into SF or to Martinez.
I go home. take fist fulls of tablets and capsule and force fluids.
I survive Wednesday- no way am I going anywhere. Sorry to miss Menorah lighting with the grandkids, but if they don’t have this crud, they don’t need it.
Thursday George finally decides he need to be seen. I manage to crawl through a number of errands (Bank, post office, grocery story, pharmacy) and finally get home. Call from Dr N with lab results. High white count, cultures so far negative, RSV neg, Influenza neg. Covid +. Yes, that is right. It probably doesn’t matter that I am meticulous about masks outs – when the other people in your household aren’t – it doesn’t matter. George tested neg at his appoint, but got sick 2-3 days earlier.
So here I am. Gradually feeling better, not pushing the activity. and making sure I am not around anyone else till at least 5 days from Tuesday.
In better news – I am about 80% done with my last WIP. It was a new start a few days ago – actually being done off a paper chart. The only project that will carry over is the Secret Grove SAL of which 3 parts (done) have been released out of 10. That is it…. I don’t think I am ever going to have a ton of partially completed cross stitch projects again – one hand full is more than enough….
Sending sympathy. Sorry you missed the lighting of the Menorah but yes, better not to pass such things on. Do take care of yourself.