- posted at the port
- from inside the musem
- map – fortress to the right, ship in the harbor
Since I spent the hours of daylight yesterday imitating a mountain goat I saw no reason not to head to the highest point on this end of the island for a look-see.
Taking the ship’s shuttle around to the far side, we were let off at the old fortress. Entry fee was a paltry 6€ if I remember correctly. A couple of small rooms contained museum type exhibits.
There were various areas for fortifications, ammunitions, barracks both medieval and modern
I then headed for the high point; the lighthouse.
- the lighthouse
- graphic of the area
- stairs, like I needed more stairs
- the rest of the fortress
- toward the British Army Barracks tucked in between the two portions of the fort
- looking down
- toward the town
- and toward the ship
The old fortress dates from the mid 6th century CE (various barbarian hordes) and in its current form from Venetian rule (138x – 1797). The lighthouse was obviously a late addition.
With hours left to departure, I walked along the shore road toward the ship. With any sense (or research ahead of time) I could have easily hiked both over and back from the ship. Passing several signs for museums, the actual attempt to find them proved futile since once I headed up various stone steps into the old city – there were no further signs for anything!
But the day was lovely and stretching out my legs, even at a much slower speed than my normal rapid stroll was lovely in the clear and sunny weather.
- older door
- arch in one of the city buildings
- door (duh)
- last century
- fountain with newer fortress in the backgroun
- ship out at dock