Check that block

According to the blurb – Part II of this module was only supposed to take 90 minutes. Right, and which genius figured that out? By 1600 I was seeing more grey hair every time I looked in the mirror and the whole project was going sideways. There are 6 (7?) hours time difference to Kansas City from Greenwich Mean time. My wailing note about needing a reset (read do-over because the computer on the fourth of many crashes had skipped past some things that I wanted to check) was sent at that absolute low point.

By the time I got a very nice reply, I was finally on a roll. The note included a cheat sheet. Seems like I am not the first person to be foiled by the programing. I took a few breaks – knitting is sanity,

a bit further

a bit further

laundry needed to be done

2nd of 4

2nd of 4

and I required the peace of candles to get through the rest of the evening.

Second Night

Second Night

Right after 2200, this nice email dropped in. Done. Finished. Checked that box. Next year – patient safety model and I am not waiting till the dead end of the year.

Now, all I have to do is clean, pack, drive to Croughton. Drop off the dog, submit a bunch of paperwork……

I need to knit some more…..

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3 Responses to Check that block

  1. Ruth says:

    Nice menorah. Is that Olive Wood?

    • Holly says:

      Absolutely no idea what kind of wood it is. For that matter, I am drawing a complete blank on when and where we got it. The Dreidel portion does spin and turn. A bit less kitschy that some of the ceramic ones from when the kids were little (Noah’s Ark or polar bears anyone?)

  2. amandaj says:

    Happy Holidays!

    It’s always good to know it’s not just you!

    What lovely knitting. It wouldn’t mean sanity to me however.

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