The owl and the pussy cat went to sea
in their beautiful pea green boat…
Well, I only have the owls on one scarf and there are absolutely no cats in sight. If I want cats, I have to settle for pictures sent to me by the Eldest and Maus. [now, doesn’t that sound strange? Cat pictures from Maus].
Anyway. I had a lovely day doing not much of anything. Taking advantage of loyalty perks, I did take the opportunity to tour the bridge figuring limited availability on the next cruise. Not likely before the Suez, certainly not during Gulf of Aiden through, and limited number of days after. Plus with the increase in senior loyalty program members things are going to get crowded.
The instrumentation is original from the ship build in 1995. Obviously there have been multiple software updates since then. The young Romanian second officer was both articulate and funny. He managed to answer a lot of questions while conveying his pride in being part of the fleet staff.
The rest of my day was devoted to relaxing, napping and a bit more on the cross stitches.