Not going to be as clear, concise or erudite as yesterday I am afraid. I always thought that it was obvious that there was a purpose behind every book, text, or written piece. It might be to educate, inform, persuade, or tell a story, but there is a purpose behind the old fashion putting pen to paper which succeeded the chisel to rock or dye to cave wall. There was information to be passed on which needed to be in a form that would remain regardless of whether or not someone was there to chant, sing, tell the story, or proclaim the current news.
We have progressed past pen&paper to typewriters, printing, electronics. At some point along the line I think many have lost the critical thinking that school attempted to drill into all of us. Taking whatever is said/written on face value without analysis is certainly easier (lazier?) than picking apart the subject and supporting information to determine if they are actually related, form a coherent whole, and have at least a marginal resemblance to current acceptable facts.
Today, just about anyone can build a webpage and put out “information.” There is no vetting beyond filling out the information for the website. No one is responsible, other than the reader of said information/data/disinformation/whatever for critically reading that combination of letters/numbers/special characters that is on a website.
So, rather than research anything on the website, may I recommend checking with your local, friendly, overworked and underutilized Librarian? (as well as probably underpaid). In today’s world, they are the information peddlers with a mission to provide accurate information complete with references. References that meet at least a minimum criteria for objectivity, currency, and accuracy. Don’t ask “Dr Google” – there is no sorting of the websites returned to you for accuracy, just by frequency of visit, often by fees paid, and interest from others. Ask your Librarian. And, if desperate at 0300 – don’t wake someone up, but stick to Wikipedia, medical sites from the professional associations (not the non-profit disease fundraising ones), Universities. Develop your list and stick to it. Not Instagram, not Facebook, X, or whatever else the local “In” place is. Otherwise, it is like asking your crazy Uncle “….” who is going to recommend hooch for whatever ails you.
The waves have calmed down and it was a rather peaceful day at sea. I am listening my way (again) through the Rivers of London series (Ben Aaronovich) and enjoying picking up some of the breadcrumbs I missed on my first time through.