After sleeping the sleep of the completely exhausted and hip sore I headed out early to check email. Amazing how much of our lives are now controlled by electronic communications, isn’t it? Anyway, at 0630 the port terminal isn’t open and the guy on the gate couldn’t have cared less when I hiked out and along the building front back to the Harbor Police Station and across the street from the Evergreen Hotel where there is most excellent WiFi. And motor scooters, all them lined up at the light and ready to rumble.
On my way back, I noted that there were some interesting engravings on the top of some of the posts –
Around noon, George and I went off the ship for a bit mostly to explore and see a bit of Keelung. Train station, an attempt to find the Maritime Museum, one of the outdoor markets, numerous narrow streets and no thermoses at the first of the two local Starbucks, I was about ready to head back to the ship.
Oh – we also found what I am mentally calling Motor Scooter Street. New and Used lined up and at least four repair/maintenance shops that I could see.
And then the sky opened up and it started pouring. I lasted long enough to confirm that there probably isn’t a Starbucks Taiwan thermos and I had no interest in collecting even a Taiwan only mug as I would only manage to break it before I got it home.
Two other things of note – the walk signs which include timers –
and the occasional shop with a row of what I thin of as Toy excavation machines –
headed once more back to the ship in the rain. Want to warm up and maybe take a nap. Dinner with an officer tonight….