It was this morning looking at the clock when I had one of those “blinding flashes of the obvious.” I meant to discuss a problem caused by Apple’s latest update to their operating system in yesterday’s post. But the mind was blank or tire. Actually, there are two problems with the latest iOS but the calendar one is the issue at hand.
It is easy on my phone when adding something to the calendar to set the time zone for the actual event so that I don’t have to calculate it. Not so on the Mac. I didn’t think about it when I added the RCPS-TM meeting to the calendar. It was at 1700 in Glasgow. Basic hint – that it NOT 1700 in SF. As a result, at 0900 I didn’t have a clue or a reminder and was standing in line in front of the post office to mail a package.nd
In fact, I didn’t figure it out till around 1600 when a reminder popped up on my phone for the even which was obvious over by hours.
Which leads me to today – it is Erev Yom Kippur. I am not a member of any of the local synagogues, It just seemed too much effort when we moved back, and then there was various health issues, grad school and the pandemic. As a result, I have decided that I am just find attending services remotely at Central Synagogue which is located in NYC. They do a superb job of live stream. There are no glitches, there are no audio problems. In fact, the only challenges is that they are in a US Eastern Time Zone (see comments above). Over all, the advantages out weigh the time challenge.